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Smokin? Up a Storm: Clothing, Smokers, and the Job InterviewYou're nervous. You're so nervous that you crave a smoke. So you light up, and as you puff away, it feels so relaxing, right? Well, what's good for your nerves is not so good to when you're job hunting. What?! What does smoking have to do with job hunting? It has to do with the fact that if you-the job hunter-are a smoker, and your interviewer is a non-smoker, then your chances of getting hired are very slim. And yes, legally, an employer can't say "You're a smoker, I'm not going to hire you!" However, it is an unofficial fact that if all things are equal, a non-smoker will be hired over a smoker every time. If you're a smoker, this is a disadvantage to you. So if you're not going to quit smoking, then get into the habit of doing so outside! This is especially important during your job hunt. Why? Because if your interviewer is a non-smoker, he or she *will* know you are a smoker. You will reek of smoke IF you smoke inside (I, the author, am a non-smoker-I know what I'm talking about). Because of this employer prejudice, while job hunting and especially before an interview, be sure that you dry clean all of your clothes (I'm talking: your suit jacket, shirt, and pants-male. And skits or dress pants-female). Buy new neckties (or bowties), socks, underwear, t-shirts, and hosiery (female) and keep all these clothes in some kind of air-tight bag. Put all these clothing items in a part of your home that the farthest away from all the smoking. And if you do smoke with your interview clothes on, do so outside only! NOT in the car before the interview and NOT while going straight home afterwards. Wait until you are home and strip naked (seriously), put all these clothes in your "smoke-free zone." Only then can you smoke freely. And only then do your shopping, visiting, etc. If you don't, you'll reek of smoke and will have to dry clean after each and every interview. By keeping all clothes away from the tobacco smell and smoking outside, you reduce most (but not all) of the smoke odor. This will give you one more edge over non-smokers. And this may help you get that job! © 2005 by Jerry Carmack. You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as this footnote is included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. If you wish to use portions of this article, you must email the author at carmackpublishing@yahoo.com for permission. Thank you. Jerry Carmack is a freelance, self-publishing, non-fiction ebook writer living in Hot Springs, AR USA. This article is a part of an ebook, "How to Tie a Tie: Everything You Wanted to Know About Neckties and Bowties, but Didn't Think to Ask." (http://carmackpublishing.tripod.com/how_to_tie_a_tie.htm)
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Being nervous can really mess up your communication skills, so being well prepared and practicing what you're going to say are always your best bet. (3) Being aggressive, arrogant, or acting in a superior way. No one wants to hire or work with people who think they're better than everyone else. Be careful with your attitude, even if you think you're surrounded by incompetent fools. Being confident is good. Being an arrogant jerk is bad. (4) Making excuses for failings. Your teacher never bought "The dog ate my homework!" and your boss isn't going to buy "The finance department gave me the wrong figures!" In the grown-up world, you have to take responsibility for what you are responsible for! You'll never earn respect by blaming others when things go wrong. (5) Saying unfavorable things about previous employers. Even if you left a job because the boss was an egomaniac who took credit for all of your hard work, verbally abused you in front of others, and poisoned the plant on your desk, don't say anything bad about him/her during an interview. When asked "Why did you leave your last job?" say something like "My manager and I both agreed that my advancement opportunities were limited there and obtaining another position was the best option for me and my career goals." (6) Having a poor/limp handshake. Why do people think you'll be a lousy employee if you have a lousy handshake? That's not really logical, is it? Doesn't matter. It just turns people off and gives them a bad impression of you. So make your handshake firm and confident but not bone-crushing. (It's not a competition to see who winces first!) If you DON'T want to be unemployed, don't let any of those traits apply to you! ![]() |
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