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Dissatisfied with Your Job? Take Your Power Back!Apparently, there are all sorts of reasons to be dissatisfied with your job... Statistically, studies have shown that: -Lack of career advancement Some of mine included: -Feeling under valued I'm sure you could add a few of your own as well. Years of working with clients to permanently put an end to their job dissatisfaction has led me to the following important conclusion: -The only cause of job dissatisfaction that we can control is the fact that we are not doing work that satisfies us equally, both personally and financially. There are those of us who make great money but, we never see our family. There are also those of us who are doing incredibly important work but, are making no money and are feeling under valued. Neither is completely satisfied. All of the statistical and individual reasons I mentioned above are really mute to all of those people out there who love their jobs and their lives. These people know that external circumstances can't control them, unless they let them and knowing this is where your power lies! What external circumstances are controlling you? Isn't it empowering to know that you are in complete control over your career if you put your attention on pursuing only that which satisfies you personally and financially? When you adopt this philosophy all of the external obstacles fade into the background and you are left with the ideas, thoughts, circumstances and opportunities that focus on work you do want! You are no longer a victim of corporate or economic circumstances. Where do you start? 1. Stop complaining about all the things outside of you that you can't control. Wasting your time and energy on this takes away from clearly defining and pursuing what you want. The only control you have is how you perceive things. Start noticing how you let these things take your energy and change it today! 2. Define what you want. What does personal and financial freedom look like to you? What does it REALLY look like to you? It's very important to not think about how you are going to do it, just think about what you want. Remember, if you only desire what is, you can't create beyond that. 3. Stop being a job seeker, become a "Career Creator". Define the job you want and go out and create it. I had a client who wrote his ideal job description and actually brought it on an interview. He walked away with the exact job he described. Another client wrote hers and found the exact description posted 2 weeks later. Start using your power for your own good! We live in a culture that is more secure in complaining then in taking action. Break the mold, take these steps one at a time and see how liberating it is to stop holding yourself back and start heading towards a career that will really satisfy you personally and financially! Doreen Banaszak is a career coach, teacher & Founder of the "90-Day Get Your Career UnSlumped Challenge". Register today for the "The Fastest Way to GetUnSlumped & Create Work that Satisfies You" 1 hour Tele-Workshop. Call in and learn how to overcome the 4 primary reasons why 56% of the population remains dissatisfied with their work. Register at http://www.getunslumped.com!
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