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Five Facts You Must Know When Changing CareersToo often in life, we fail. We fail not because we set our goals to high and miss achieving our aspirations. Instead, we fail because we set our dreams too low and we achieve them. If we achieve what we set out to do then how is this considered to be a failure? Failure occurs when we are not fulfilling our highest aspirations. Theresa Castro, executive career coach and author of The Dark Before the Dawn: 70 Secrets to Self-discovery, provides insight on what anyone can do while they are in the midst of wanting to change careers. ADOPT THE INNONENCE OF A CHILD We begin our lives as children with lofty goals. For example, a child might decide that they would like to grow up and become an astronaut and travel to the moon. This child doesn't have the ability to place any limitations on themselves. They don't think about what degree they need to possess in order to be an astronaut. They don't become worried about all of the details that are necessary to achieve this dream. Instead, the child just knows that they are passionate about space exploration. When you are in the midst of a career change, think and dream like a child. Let your passions lead you in a direction that is right for you. ELIMINATE ANY LIMITATIONS Society, friends and/or family members can put a damper on your hopes and tell you that you are incapable of achieving your highest vision. You may be told that you are too old, not smart enough, don't have enough money, don't have the right education or experience or just simply are the wrong race or sex. The reality of these limitations exists only in the mind. You have the choice to either believe or doubt the limitations. That's right, you have a choice. You can choose to be like the great composer, Beethoven, who was once told by his music teacher that as a composer he was hopeless. Beethoven recognized that he would not be stopped by the label that his music teacher placed on him even despite the fact that he was deaf. GET RID OF THE PEOPLE WHO DON'T SUPPORT YOU When you are changing careers, you may find that you struggle with your own bouts of self-doubt. The last thing that you need is for other people to tell you what you should and shouldn't be doing especially when you recognize that they are not fully supporting your efforts. With these people (and we all have them in our lives), you will need to advise them that you love and care for them but you would appreciate if they kept their comments about your ambitions to themselves. If you don't eliminate outer sources of negativity, you will find your passions getting buried deep inside yourself. RECOGNIZE THAT MONEY IS AS PLENTIFUL AS THE AIR People sometimes don't pursue a particular career path because they believe that they won't make the same or more money than what they are currently earning. Again, recognize that this belief is a limitation. Work towards eliminating these thought patterns. Instead, realize that with any and every job, you have the potential to make as much money as you desire. That's right. You can make as much money as you desire. Even though Henry Ford was poor and uneducated, he dreamed of a horseless carriage and his dream became a reality of what we know today as the automobile. Thus, you must have the mindset that money is just as plentiful as air. Do you ever find yourself concerned that you might not have enough air? Do you keep track of the number of breaths that you are taking within the day so that you don't run out? The answer is no and in fact someone would think that you are crazy if you thought that you were going to experience an air shortage. The same is true for money. The mindset of plenty is the first step in creating the wealth that accompanies your passions. LOOK AHEAD The best way to squelch your fears is to keep your eyes focused on the dream that you desire. Stephen Covey says that you should have the end in mind. Ask yourself, what do you ultimately want to become? What do you want people to say about you when you die? When you stay focused on your dream, it becomes easier to attain since you can then develop the necessary steps that will take you from where you are today to where you want to be. Making a career change then becomes less daunting and more systematic. Keep in mind that if you work 40 hours per week then you will work about 2000 hours per year. Even if you are five years away from retirement, could you fathom doing your job for another 10,000 more hours? If not, make a change in your career. Your future and happiness are waiting for you! Theresa Castro, MBA, dedicates her life to assist others to stop dreading the workday and to discover a passionate and fulfilling career. She is a career coach and author of The Dark Before the Dawn: 70 Secrets to Self-discovery and The Secrets to Discovering Your Dream Job. Visit http://www.DiscoverYourDreamJob.com for more information and to sign up for a free 3 day mini-course.
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