Careers, Jobs & Employment Information

Self-Preservation Techniques For The Unemployed

Looking for work can be difficult, frustrating, anxiety-provoking, and demeaning.

Job Hunting Tips: Staying Active

Unemployment is depressing: financial pressures stress you out, looking for work is humiliating, and your fragile self-confidence reels under the blows of indifference and rejection.

Freelance Work: The Changing Face of Employment

The world sure is changing, and if you look at job employment you will see what I mean. Let's just go back to our grandparent's generation, even though I'm sure if we went back further we would see very different structures of work in the tribal periods of our history. Our grandparents usually found a skill, and then used that one skill to work for their whole career. An example is my grandfather who was a salesman for the same suit company for 44 years. There is nothing wrong with this. His job was secure; he knew there would be a superannuating fund when he retired, and that there would always be food on the table for his family. These days in the 21st century things have changed, and they are still changing rapidly as we speak.

How to Get Hired by Being Obvious

If you want a drink of water, do you hire a focus group or pick up the Yellow Pages? No. You go to the kitchen, fill a glass and drink. You take the shortest route to fill your need.

3 Cover Letter Secrets Revealed

Writing a cover letter can be like cleaning your garage -- you don't know where to start ... and you just want it done.

Little Mistakes That Keep You Unemployed

If your job search is dragging on and on, you might want to look in the mirror. Because the person looking back may be sabotaging your efforts.

How NOT to Write a Resume

You can learn a lot about how to do something right by first learning what NOT to do.

Why You Only Really Need Four Sample Resumes

Any job seeker looking for sample resumes usually doesn't have to look very far.

Skills Make Labor More Valuable

As you know by now, if you have been a long time subscriber to our weekly E-zine, I'm a very big proponent of activity, labor and discipline. In fact I devoted one of the five major pieces to the life puzzle (in my book under the same name) to the subject of activity and labor. But now let me add another key word to the labor equation - skillful. Yes, skillful labor.

Multiple Skills for the 21st Century

(excerpted from The Weekend Seminar - Skills for the 21st Century 1999 Version)

The Recruiting Truth...Time Is Not On Your Side

In today's marketplace things are constantly changing and so are the needs of just about each and every organization. Whether your company is growing organically or inorganically, whether your company is growing domestically or internationally or for one reason or another you just have pain, your organization must be in a position to attract top talent and attract it quickly! But attracting it is only the first part of the equation. The bigger problem is what you do once you attract talent to your organization.

Your Job Search -- a Marketing Campaign?

The successful job search is really just a personal marketing campaign. And the same techniques used in infomercials and junk mail can help you get hired, too.

3 Creative Job Search Tactics

It's a fact: the best jobs attract loads of competition. So it pays to do whatever you can to stand out as a persistent, creative candidate, one that any sane employer would love to hire.

Work Is A Four-Letter Word

I can hear the jokes already and most of them are not politically correct. Let me throw out a word that we often don't attach to work and yet I think it is a word of redemption, of contribution, of achievement, of community, and ultimately, of legacy.

Traveling for An Interview? 10 Tips to Get You From Here to There

You?ve just been granted an on-site interview in another town. Hurray!

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